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  • Where can i follow the developement of the game ?
    You can follow the game's developement on this very site by reading devblogs which we will release every now and then when significant progress is made. You can also follow us on Youtube and Instagram where we will also post news and promotional content for the game. Finally the discord is where the community gathers and can show exclusive content before they are posted on devblogs. All those social account are available at the bottom page, you just have to click on the icon of the social media platform you wish to join or follow us on.
  • Are there any rules in public servers for players to follow ?
    Yes, there are in-game rules in place in order to prevent certain behaviors from getting out of hand, These are: - No Exploiting (Includes shaders) . (Results in a ban) -Do not protect and team with species other than your own. (Results in a smite) -Be civil in the chat. Don't harass others verbally. (May result in a kick or ban) Other rules include following ROBLOX TOS
  • I found a bug, where can i report it ?
    To report a bug, you can join our Discord server and fill out a format to report the bug that you have witnessed.
  • I think i spotted someone cheating/exploiting what should i do ?
    We have a strict policy against cheaters or exploiters so it is important to us to remove them from the game's space. To report one, join our Discord server and head to the exploiter channel. Once you're there, fill out the format pinned in the channel and give as much proof and information as you can so we don't ban someone by accident.
  • Is there an official realism server available ?
    What is a realism server ? Realism servers are roleplay servers where a community of players join together within an in-game server while following rules and species profiles which are meant to replicate exactly how real life animals act. These were created orginally to have a place where "toxic" player behavior such mixpacking and excessive killing were not present and therefore would create a very immerssive experience Do we have an official realism server ? We have an official hardcore realism server you can join, called Serengeti Seronera. You'll have to go through an application process, and pass a knowledge test about the rules before you are allowed to join the server and play with other players. Please read the welcome message of that server, it will allow to understand what to do and how the joining process works in much more detail.
  • What are the recommended specs to play Wild Savanna ?
    Generally speaking Roblox doesn't require it's users to have very strong machines to run most of the experiences on the platforms. However it's fair to note that wild savanna is no ordanary Roblox experience, and will require you to be able to have a moderately strong computer to run it. Here's are minimal requirements: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS *: Windows 10 64bit Processor: Intel i5-2500 / AMD FX-6350 Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (2GB) / AMD Radeon R9 270X (2GB) Storage: 16 GB available space Additional Notes: Minimum specifications may change during development
  • How Does The Growth Mechanic Work ?
    What is the "Growth Mechanic" ? Growth is one of the main gameplay mechanics in Wild Savanna, in which you start your journey as a young individual, work your way into adulthood and eventually reach your elderly stage through gameplay. This growth is done seamlessely as you try to survive the environement or other players, and unlock new abilities that help you survive and complete quests and objectives. How long does it take to grow ? It all depends on the animal you choose to play as. Larger or more powerful animals like African Bush Elephants or African Lions can take a bit longer to grow than the quicker and smaller creatures like African wild dog or Thomson's Gazelle What happens if i die ? If you start as a young adult from the menu, you will loose all your growth progress and go back to that starting stage. However, if you started as a newborn animal and worked your way up to young adult, you'll be allowed to go back to that stage with the same traits you've gained along the way. How can I check my growth progress? You can check on your progress by accessing your character menu. It will tell you exactly what stage you are in and how many more are left for you to go through
  • What are Safari Coins and how do i earn them ?
    These coins are the in-game currency of Wild Savanna. You can earn them by completing quests within the game, and spend them to unlock new skin patterns, emotes, animals and more !
  • How Does the Quest System Work ?
    The Quest system will be an integral part of the game, where players will actively have to complete set objectives and tasks automatically set by the game in order to gain Safari Coins. These coins can then be used to unlock cosmetics for your animals like skin patterns, emotes and even animals. So in detail, how will this system will actually work ? Main Quests: Main quests are universal quests, which you can attempt to complete as any animal you choose to play as. Those quests have reward with high levels of currency, unlock special cosmetics and animals. Here are a few examples of main quests: - Path to Adulthood: Grow and reach adulthood stage - Journey of the Elder: Reach Elderly stage, and remain alive as long as possible. - Nurturing the Future: Successfully pass on your genes by reproducing with another player and raising your offspring to maturity - Easter Egg Hunt: Find all 10 easter eggs scattered across the map - A Mystical Tale: Find all the 10 Maasai Paintings telling the story of an old Folkloric tale, of a Maasai tribe hunting a mysterious and vicous beast who has been killing their livestock. Side Quests: Side quests are optional and fun objectives and tasks that can either be done as solitary individual or as group. Those quests have reward you with Safari Coins and they vary from animal to animal, and are not always universal. Other factors such as your animal's age and gender also play an important role so we will use an adult African Lion as example: - King of the Pride: Claim a pride of lions as your own, this may result in you having to it take over from the resident male(s) claiming their territory or winning a fight against them. - Brotherhood: Form a coalition with other male lions of a similar age, by inviting them to a group. - Caretaker of Cubs: Allow cubs from the same pride as you but are not yours to suckle off of you. - Midnight Predators: Have at least 3 successful night hunts with your pride or as a solitary hunter - Carcass Conqueror: Successfully take over 3 carcasses from the following species: Spotted Hyena, African Leopard, African Cheetah or African wild dog. - Dominance Over Rivals: Successfully kill 3 competitors from the following species: Spotted Hyena, African Leopard, African Cheetah or African wild dog. Survival Quests: These quests appear every once in awhile, letting you know keep your animal in a healthy state and are generally universal but they do not reward you with anything beyond keeping you healthy if you complete: - Find Food - Find Water - Sleep - You can access this mechanic by pressing "Tab" to get access to the character menu, where you will find the quest menu You'll be able to review all the quests that you could do or track your progress on already started ones as well as review the rewards each individual quest will give you once completed.
  • What are Basic Stats Impacts ?
    It is imperative that your stats are kept to a decent standard as your animal's well-being will be highly affected by neglected stats. - Dehydration and Malnutrition: Stamina drops faster and slowly recovers, Injuries, and overall health recover less efficiently. Under 30% fullness - High body temperature: Stamina drops faster and dehydration - Low body Temperature: Slower movements, higher chance of catching a minor disease. - Sleep deprived: Stamina drops faster, Blurry vision, less acute hearing, less acute sense of smell. Under 25% fullness - Low stamina: Start to slow down and you are not as efficient in fights. Under 25% fullness In water the effects are slowly sinking and eventually drowning as your oxygen depletes. At 0% fullness - Low Health: Dehydrated, Hungry, High body temperature, Slower movements, Less damage dealt and are more prawn to diseases and injuries. Under 50% fullness - Low Oxygen: Excessive tripping, less acute hearing, less acute sense of smell. and blurry vision. Under 30% fullness - Full hunger bar: Slightly slower than usual and your sleep meter drops (especially mammalian predators) Above 80% fullness - Bleeding: Depending on the level of blood loss, it can go from nothing, to slowing down, loss of stamina, dehydration and low health - Poisoned bleeding: Depending on what size your animal is getting bite by a venomous snake or consuming bad foods can go from slower speed, less stamina and dehydration to death.
  • How does the Scent Mechanic Work ?
    Every mammal planned to be playable will have the ability to smell things. By pressing the "J" key you can activate the ability to smell the air and by pressing it twice you activate the ability to smell the ground. The difference is one allows you smell things close to you and the other allows you to smell things farther away. Once activated scent particles carried the wind will provide you with information. Certain animals have better senses than others so this will impact how little particles you need to sense something.
  • How Does The Grouping System Work ?
    Social animals in the game will greatly benefit from grouping and teaming with other players, either to complement each other for their survival or to simply pass on their genes. In any case grouping is much more than just joining with a random player, it will depend on a number of factors but the main one will be what species you play with. Each animal will have its own unique way of making groups, for example lion prides will be made up of females which are all related to each other and their young cubs, while Painted wolves will be made up of an alpha mating pair and their pups. The creation of these groups are therefore also based on IRL, lions will require a male and female to first breed and then the cubs from their union will create a new pride. Going against those group guidelines will make your animal be aggressive toward animals they would naturally not group with, all the information that you would require to understand how to create groups depending on your animal will be the animal field guides.
  • How Does The Hearing Mechanic Work ?
    - Depending on what animal you play as, you're hearing will vary to detect incoming threats such as predators or to locate the origin of long distance communication calls of your species or that of others: 1 - When it comes to identify the origin point of a communication call, the player simply has to press the **"2" **key in order to activate the hearing ability. Once that is done, a vibrating effect will show you the general area and direction from which the call is coming from. If you hover with your mouse near the effect it will show you the species who's making that call, and if it has been made by a member of your group, their username will appear as well. The vibrating effect will only last as long as the call last and depending on how good you're animal hearing is and how loud the sound is it will appear only in a certain radius. 2 - When it comes to detect incoming threats, the game knows what animal is a threat to you and what isn't and will display an icon when detected. If an animal that is deemed a threat by the system is sneaking up on you, the system will not alert you, unless it is actively not crouching or is crouch trotting close to you. (Note: Certain events such as rainstorms, can affect your hearing abilities)
  • How Does The Sleeping System Work ?
    - Sleeping is an essential part of your well-being and must be kept in check, by pressing "R" while resting, you're animal will fall asleep. Once you're asleep your surrounding vision will be reduced and your hearing will not be as acute anymore, however you can still very much quickly get up to run away if the time requires it. For most animals, the sleep meter goes down naturally depending not when you last slept but what time of day it is in order embrace the advantages you have. (Note the meter does not go down fully but it is highly recommended that you sleep in those in-game hours) It is also fair to note that the fuller your hunger bar is the more likely you are need to sleep to digest the contents you have eaten.
  • How Does The Temperature System Work ?
    - Temperature is an essential part of your well-being and must be kept in check. Throughout the day and months, temperature fluctuates depending on multiple factors: . Seasons Hottest season (Wet season), Coldest season (Dry season) . General weather Hottest weather (Open sky), Coldest weather (Rainstorm) . Time of day/night: Hottest hours (2pm to 3pm), Coldest hours (2am to 3am) All animals have temperature, but every animal or group of animal responds to it differently and therefore influences their ecology and behaviors. If your animal is hot weather, it is best to sit under the shade or in a water body to ease your body and avoid major draining physical activities. Mud-bathing can also provide sun protection for a short while for the animals that engage in that behavior. On the other hand, If you are cold sun-bathing, engaging in physical activities or resting close to a herd/pack member may provide some warmth.
  • How does the Emote and Call System Work ?
    This unique feature enables you to express a wide range of behavioral displays to communicate with others without trying to guess their true uses and meanings. Each animal exhibits distinctive communication behaviors; however, we've categorized them into easily recognizable groups for intuitive play: 1 - Advertising social status or location 2 - Alerting and Alarm Signals 3 - Passive and Friendly Signals 4 - Dominance Displays 5 - Offensive/Threat Displays 6 - Submissive/Retreat displays 7 - Courtship and Mating displays Alt,8,9,0, Ctrl, H - Additional emotes and displays For a comprehensive overview, the '<' key activates the Emote and Display Wheel, presenting you with all available behaviors. Simply click the desired behavior, and your animal will act like it would in those situations display a wide range of emotions. You can also select from the wheel other additional behaviors like emotes and calls which can potentially convey a specific context or display towards something or someone (Some animals lack those extra emotes and calls). You can also use short cuts for more experienced players or simply to have a more immersive experience by simply pressing any of the upper number keys for the idle animation and using the numberpad keys for those additional calls, emotes and displays. Some Emotes might also play automatically after certain things or during certain circumstances, for example after an alertercation with a rival an animal will automatically display signs of submission or after falling or tripping an animal may display signs of retreat
  • How Does The Combat Focus Mechanic Work ?
    In fights we have noticed that players tend to get very messy in the way they handle them even when given tools and abilities to make them look more dynamic. So we have decided to introduce a new mechanic labelled "Focus", some older followers of the game may remember the days where you used to be able to press a key to circle an individual. Well it's back and its now divided into two separate keys for two separate uses: 1 - The first is used for offensive combat, by pressing the "F" key you'll activate the ability to focus offensively upon a selected animal. This ability allows you to circle freely on a selected radius around the animal you've selected to properly be able to dodge and attack you're target. You can also call when this mechanic is active and display a lot of emotes. At any time you can press "F" again to exit this mode and either charge at your foes or run away. 2 - The second is used for defensive combat, by pressing the "G" key you'll activate the ability to act defensively when overwhelmed by multiple animals. This ability allows you to stand your ground effectively against multiple attackers by turning faster and take slightly less damage than if you were not using it. You can also call when this mechanic is active and display a lot of emotes. At any time you can press "G" again to exit this mode and either charge at your foes or run away. 3 - You can also use this ability to focus on a target during a chase by pressing the "F" key when sprinting or flying. This will give you an edge when chasing after fast animals to properly land attacks, however this can only be used once or twice every chase so make it count. Example of Defensive focus displayed by the Lionness and Offensive focus displayed by the Wild dogs Example of Defensive focus displayed by Wildebeests and Offensive focus displayed by the Wild dogs
  • How Does The Bleeding System Work ?
    Once dealt some attacks will cause bleeding and wounds to your character, different levels of bleeding will cause your animal to suffer different impacts upon its overhaul body capacities. There will be 4 levels of bleeding that can be dealt, these will be mostly determined by the following factors: . Size of the animal you are . Size of the animal who attacks you . Weaponry used against you . Skin thickness . Area hit Bleeding will be indicated by a small badge appearing on your screen in the form of a red blood drop, as it darkens the level of blood loss because more consequent. Suffering from blood loss and therefore injuries can go from doing absolutely nothing to your animal to more than likely death and or in infections in some cases. You can stop blood loss and avoid infections by resting and for the animals that can lick your wounds. - Level 1: Mild bleeding will not affect your animal too much in regards to any of your stats, however repeated attacks that cause mild bleed may lead to more severe blood loss further down the line. - Level 2: This level causes your animal to start loosing a bit of blood and this will start to impact it's stats. You'll start to get slightly dehydrated, and be slightly slower as time passes. - Level 3: Severe blood loss is quite difficult to obtain and usually goes hand to hand with large open wounds given during fight. This will cause your animal to get really thirsty, low stamina and be very slow as time goes on. You'll need to resume whatever fight you were in order to quickly stop the bleeding. - Level 4: Fatal blood loss is usually a death sentence, this in other terms is caused by major fatal wounds or major internal bleeding, You cannot really prevent the blood not following fast enough or one of your organs to not fail after the attack. You'll start to slow down gradually quite fast (within 15 sec), your stamina will drastically drop and your animal will start to trip and fall to the ground to eventually die.
  • How does the Bone Break System Work ?
    Bone breaks can go from problematic to fatal if an animal hits in the right spot or if you fall from high places. They can only be healed through resting and being physically fit. they are 3 levels of bone breaks that can be dealt which will be determined by different factors: . Size of the animal you are . Size of the animal who attacks you . Weaponry used against you . Skin thickness . Area hit Bone break will be indicated by the presence of a bone icon badge which will get more fractured as the break(s) become more problematic. Like previously said some fractures can be very mild to fatal. To heal the best solution is to remain as physically fit as possible and resting/sleeping a lot. If you do not you may heal the bone improperly and get a limp slightly affecting your movements. Level 1:Minor breaks, mainly ribs breaking which will render an animal slower and less endurant. These will do not have any effects on your animal's survival in the future. Level 2: Severe breaks which are mainly legs. Which will render an animal limping for an extended period of time, however if not healed properly these breaks may impact your animal in the future where they'll get a limp. This limp will disappear eventually, but you'll suffer even after the main healing process. (Note: venturing in water or mud pools can get you stuck in those places and specifically in water you can drown by accident if you're not careful) Level 3: Fatal breaks are a point of no return and are generally head shots (by hooves, horns, or crushing) or broken necks which can either kill on the spot or overtime with a jaw break, or a broken spine or lower back which will render you paralyzed and limping. (Note: venturing in water or mud pools can get you stuck in those places and specifically in water you can drown by accident if you're not careful) (edited)
  • Where can i play Wild Savanna and is it free ?
    Wild Savanna is Roblox game, currently only available on PCs or Macs that use Windows and IOS. As of writing this we have no plan to extend to other platforms such as mobile or consoles, but we are not writing off the idea completely but it's too soon to say if it will be possible in the future to make that transition.
  • When is the game going to be finished, and do we have roadmaps available for future updates ?
    We do not give release dates for any of the major updates or milestones we intend to reach. The reason for that is that we are small team of just two people working on the game, and it is difficult to set dates for when things will be completed. Therefore to not disappoint our followers, we prefer to not give ETAs. We do have a roadmap or at least tasks layed out for us to do, but it remains private and will not be shared with the community. We will however try our best to give frequent updates on the progress of the game on our social platforms such as Discord, Youtube, Instagram as well as in our devblogs.
  • Will Wild Savanna be paid access in the future or include any sort of product that you can buy ?
    Wild Savanna intends to be free on release, however we will eventually include DLC packs with special animal species which are either present in the game but not playable, or completely new species only available for those who own the packs. I'd like to clarify that these are not iconic animals and are species that are rather elusive, rare to sight on Safari, or we're simply very similar to an already existing species in the base game.
  • At what stage of developement is Wild Savanna as off 2024 ?
    Currently Wild Savanna is in Alpha Testing. We are starting to develop the core mechanics that will be the foundation of the gameplay and we are still modeling and animating a large portion of the planned animal roster. We are working towards the release of an update, dubbed 1.0, which will revise all the major mechanics present in the current Alpha version available. We are planning on adding new species such as the Nile crocodile, African Bush Elephant, Olive Baboon, Aardvark and Common Hippopotamus, along with brand new mechanics such as Burrowing, Climbing and a new combat system just to name a few.
  • What playable animals are planned for the game ?
    Animals planned for the game are faithful to the species you're able to sight in the Serengeti National Park. Currently we have made a list for the free playable animals that is up to date as of 2024: Mammals: - Aardvark - African Bush Elephant - African Cheetah (sub. East African) - African Crested Porcupine - African Leopard - African Lion (sub. South Central) - African Wild Dog (sub. East African - Banded Mongoose - Bat-eared Fox - Beisa Oryx (sub. Beisa) - Black Rhinoceros (sub. East African) - Black-Backed Jackal - Blue Wildebeest (sub. Western White-bearded) - Cape Buffalo - Caracal Cat (sub. East African) - Common Eland - Common Hippopotamus - Common Impala - Common Warthog - Defessa Waterbuck - Grant’s Gazelle (sub. - Hartebeest (sub. Coke) - Honey Badger - Maasai Giraffe - Olive Baboon - Plains Zebra (sub. Grant’s) - Serval Cat - Spotted Hyena - Thomson’s Gazelle - Topi Antelope - Vervet Monkey Birds: - African Fish Eagle - Egyptian Goose - Goliath Heron - Great-White Pelican - Grey-Crowned Crane - Helmeted Guineafowl - Kori Bustard - Lanner Falcon - Lappet-Faced Vulture - Maasai Ostrich - Marabou Stork - Martial Eagle - Reed Cormorant - Saddle-Billed Stork - Secretary Bird - Verreaux’s Eagle Owl Reptiles: - Nile Crocodile - Nile-Monitor Lizard
  • Where does Wild Savanna take place ?
    Wild Savanna takes place in the Serengeti national park, located in north western Tanzania, East Africa. Therefore species and environements represented in the game are the exact same as you would encounter in that park. However, we cannot replicate the park in its entirety due to its huge size, so we will have to compromise and try to try represent the major locations and habitats.
  • Will there be Ai animals and characters roaming the landscape alongside players ?
    We plan to add a wide variety of Ai animals to populate the map. Large animal Ai act as both food sources for players that play as predators but can also serve as companions for player who play as the same species as the Ai. Smaller animals, like fish, amphibians, small reptile, and bird species act as both ambient characters, whislt providing food for other animals creating a dynamic ecosystem. Here's a list as of 2024 of the AI animals planned for the game: Mammals: - African Grass rat - African Golden Jackal - African Savannah Hare - African Wild Cat - Blue Wildebeest (sub. Western White Bearded) - Bohor Reedbuck - Cape Pangolin - Common Genet - Common Impala - Common Slender Mongoose - Kirk's Dik dik - Grant’s gazelle (sub. southern Grant's) - Coke's Hartebeest - Kenyan Tree Squirrel - Klipspringer Antelope - Lesser Bushbaby - Plains Zebra (sub. Grant's) - Rock Hyrax - Springhare - Steenbok - Straw-colored fruit bat - Thomson’s Gazelle Birds: - African Hoopoe - African Mourning Dove - African Pygmy Falcon - African Rock Pigeon - African Scops Owl - African Snipe (sub.Gallinago nigripennis aequatorialis) - African Swift - Bare-faced Go-away-bird - Bateleur - Black-Bellied Bustard - Black-Breasted Snake Eagle - Black-Winged Kite - Black-Headed Heron - Blacksmith Lapwing - Blue-headed Coucal - Brown-Hooded Kingfisher - Cape Teal - Cape Turtle Dove - Cattle Egret - Crested Eagle - Crowned Lapwing - D'Arnaud's barbet - Egyptian Goose - European White stork - Fischer's Lovebird - Greater Flamingo - Grey-backed fiscal - Hadada Ibis - Hammerkop - Helmeted Guineafowl - Hooded Vulture - Jacobin Coucal - Lesser Flamingo - Lesser Striped Swallow - Lilac-breasted roller - Little Bee Eater - Little Bittern - Maasai Ostrich (Parent and chicks) - Marabou Stork - Meyer's Parrot - Nubian Woodpecker - Pied Kingfisher - Red-Billed Oxpecker - Red-Billed Quillea Flocks - Red-Cheecked Cordon Bleu - Red-Necked Spurfowl - Rufous-Naped Lark - Rufous-Tailed Weaver - Ruppell's Griffon Vulture - Sacred Ibis - Senegal lapwing - Sombre Nightjar - Speckle-fronted Weaver - Superb Starling - Tanzanian Masked Weaver - Von der Decken's Hornbill - Water Thick-Knee - Wattled Starling - Western Swamphen (Sp.Porphyrio madagascariensis) - White-Browed Sparrow Weaver - White-Bellied Bustard - White-Bellied Go-away-Bird - White-Browed Coucal - White-Faced Whistling Duck - White-backed Vulture - White-headed Buffalo Weaver - Wood Sandpipe - Yellow-Billed Oxpecker - Yellow-Necked Spurfowl - Yellow-Throated Longclaw - Yellow-Throated Sandgrouse - Yellow-billed Stork Reptiles: - Agama Lizard (1. Mwanza flat-headed rock agama) (2. Kenyan rock agama) - Puff Adder - Black Mamba - Black-Necked Spitting Cobra - African Gater Snake (Eastern African) - Green Mamba (Eastern) - Helmeted Terrapin - Leopard Tortoise - African Rock Python - Flap-necked chameleon Amphibians, Insects and Fish: - African Bullfrog - African Red Toad - Anchieta's ridged Frog - Common Reed Frog - Hallowell's toad - Scorpions - Dung Bettles - Safari Ants - Termites - Spiders - Butterflies - African Honey Bees - African Butter Catfish - Tilapia Sparrmanii
  • Will Wild Savanna have Human NPC ?
    Due to the nature of the game's setting, we have the oppurtunity to include humans so that they can both create dynamic interactions with players and bring a new perspective from both an educational and gameplay point of view. Humans will not be playable, but you will see Maasai shepards roaming the landscape and villages in certain places at the map's border. Safari vehicules and hot air ballons will be visable, and interactable whilst lodges and campsites will be visable but blocked to players. Interacting in a hostile manner towards humans, whether that be threatening them too often, raiding their fields or killing their cattle can result in them taking hostile actions, so beware and be nice to those pesky humans !
  • Will the mechanics be shared between different species and to what extent?
    All animals share mechanics such as hunger, thirst, stamina, and sleep. Each animal species has it's own set of stats for those mechanics and they vary even amongst gender and age. More niche mechanics such as nightvision and scent will depend on the animal's class. However depending on the animal's glade certain abilities will be unique to them, for example felines can pounce and suffocate their prey to kill them, while canines, crocodiles and hyenas can eat their prey alive.
  • Will there be anything put in place in order to prevent large populations of apex predators or mega-herbivores from wrecking havoc on the servers ?
    In the future we will implement restrictions in terms of accessing large herbivores and apex predators such as Elephants, Lions, Rhinos, Hyenas ... etc. These will include the necessity to unlock these animals via currency everytime you join a public server if you decide to start as young adult and you don't have character saved as that species in that server. However you'll have the oppurtunity to be someone's offspring as that species if they invite you in.
  • Will Private server owners have commands they can use to help manage their servers
    We do plan on adding commands to private server owners, here are a few examples of what you'll be able to do: - Banning players - Kicking players - Mute players - Teleport players - Smiting players - Camera trap: Spy on players by switching between camera traps through out the map - Remove all corpses - Skip growth - Skip Pregnancy/Egg incubation - Heal a specific player - Replenish Stats (besides health) - Change the time of day - Change the Weather - Modify the amount certain quests give in terms of currency
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